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A new bot
Open, Needs TriagePublicSUGGESTION


Add Epic RPG bot to the server,make some new roles,wake up manager or we will have to throw a riot.


Discord Subscribers
535406940365520916 378175166053875714 674394569990733834 424841596333457428 853975411285688330 533711466768105474

Event Timeline

VortexBot created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
VortexBot changed Discord Subscribers from 535406940365520916 to 535406940365520916 378175166053875714.
VortexBot changed Discord Subscribers from 535406940365520916 378175166053875714 to 535406940365520916 378175166053875714 674394569990733834.Nov 24 2021, 11:08 AM
VortexBot changed Discord Subscribers from 535406940365520916 378175166053875714 674394569990733834 to 535406940365520916 378175166053875714 674394569990733834 424841596333457428.Nov 24 2021, 9:42 PM
VortexBot changed Discord Subscribers from 535406940365520916 378175166053875714 674394569990733834 424841596333457428 to 535406940365520916 378175166053875714 674394569990733834 424841596333457428 853975411285688330.Feb 26 2022, 5:54 PM
VortexBot changed Discord Subscribers from 535406940365520916 378175166053875714 674394569990733834 424841596333457428 853975411285688330 to 535406940365520916 378175166053875714 674394569990733834 424841596333457428 853975411285688330 533711466768105474.May 12 2022, 1:56 AM